Le Chateliers Principle in Action : Complex Examples

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   a decrease      broken down      Decrease      decrease      drop      equilibrium position      fewer      increase      Increase      increase in pressure      increased      left      left or <=      less      less no of molecules      less space      more      more often      NIL      no effect      not at all      not change      not decrease      producing      reducing      regain      right      right or =>      shift to the right      will be lower      will drop      will not be higher      would be lower   
We can use our knowledge of Le Chateliers Principle to make predictions.

Take for example the system at equilibrium below.


We need to predict the effect of imposing changes to the system as shown in the table below.

A good approach is first to determine the effect of the change on the first then the other aspects.

Imposed ChangeInitial Change to the Forward Reaction RateInitial Change to the Backward Reaction RateFinal Change to [NO]Final Change to [Br 2]Final Change to [NOBr]New Equilibrium Position
Remove some NOEffect is Effect is or Shifts to the
Remove some NOBrShifts to the
Decreasing the volume of the systemShifts to the

In the first imposed change above when some NO is removed the system counteracts the change by NO to the equilibrium.
So the equilibrium shifts to the . We would of course expect the equilibrium to shift to the if we add some NO. The system will counteract the addition of NO by it from the system.

Due to the sudden removal of NO from the system the forward reaction rate initially will or because now you have of it to react. The initial backwards reaction rate will because its concentration was affected.

When eventually the system has reestablished equilibrium the concentration of bromine will definitely have because more NOBr has to give BR2 and NO. However although NO is produced to counteract the earlier removal, the concentration of NO than when it originally was. It so we consider that as .

Decreasing the volume of a system usually happens when there is an . Hence the equilibrium will definitely to counteract this increase in pressure because overall there will be in the system so the pressure will .

Because of increase in pressure there is for the particles to move about so collision will be . The forward and backward reaction rate will be often so they will both .

Due to an increase in pressure the total no. of particles in the system so we might think that the concentration of NO, Br2 and NOBr . However because the molecules now occupy the concentration actually and as we would expect.


