Trends and The Periodic Table

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    Trends Down a Group

As you go down a group the atomic size of the atom . This is because a new or extra shell of electrons is for each step down the group. The extra shell is located and away from the nucleus. Although the Nuclear Charge increases as you go down a group the or also called the Core Charge remain the same for the elements in the same group. For instance in the case of group I elements, namely; lithium, sodium and potassium atoms, the Nuclear Charge increases as you go down the group but the Core Charge attracting the valence electrons (also called the electrons in the outermost shell and these are the ones involved in chemical reactions) remain the same with the value of . This is because shells inner than the outermost shell the outermost electrons from the full attractive force of the nucleus. The atomic radii becomes .

As you go down a group the Ionization Energy . As the atom gets larger the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus and energy is required to remove the most loosely bound electron from the atom.

As you go down a group the metallic nature will crease. This is because the Ionization Energy creases as you go down a group. This change is obvious when we study the properties of Elements in Group 14. In Group 14 we start with the called carbon at the top and reach the metal lead at the bottom.

Electronegativity is another attribute of elements. Electronegativity is the electron ability of atoms and this reases as you go down the group. Not to forget the atomic size reases as you go down the group and the Effective Nuclear Charge which remain the as you go down the group is increasingly spread out over a greater surface area. Hence, the electron attracting ability of that atom gets .

    Trends Across a Period From Left to Right

As you go across a period the atomic size eases. This is because the number of protons increase as you across the period. Although the number of electrons ease as you go across the period these electrons are added to the e shell. Hence the electrons are attracted closer to the nucleus. This means that an atom of argon is than an atom of sodium despite the greater mass of argon.

As you go across a period the ionization energy ases. As you go across the period the hold of the protons on the electrons gets . This is because the Nuclear Charge and the Core Charge increases. As the atomic radius get smaller the electrons located in the valence shell of any other atom coming towards it can get to the nucleus of the attracting atom. The attracting atom can easily attract the electron.

The Electronegativity or electron attracting ability of an atom will then incr across a period from left to right.

The metallic nature will ase as you go across the period. This is because electrons are held more strongly to the atom as you go across a period. Due to the high ionization energy the elements get l metallic. Hence, magnesium is less metallic than sodium and chlorine is a non metal.

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